When caring adults build a consistent bedtime routine it allows children to predict what is coming next and count on it. Bath, song/story, and hug. These simple steps give children a connection with you – they know you will be there no matter how crazy life can get! Routine can also help children develop new skills. When caring adults read the same book over and over (and over), children learn to anticipate the words and fill them in. Children are developing early reading skills and are building their language skills by doing this. Caring adults can also engage with children to create a special family routine or ritual for saying hello or goodbye, such as a family handshake. Creating this family ritual will fill the child with a sense of belonging.
If you are curious about your child's growth and development, visit our website, refer your child to our home visiting program, or call Jacquie Gibbs for more information: 306-848-4722.