The 3 "R's" of Early Learning 3
When caring adult's model how to wash our hands, children learn that it is important and fun! Try to sing a little song while doing it to create a routine like,
Wash your hands 1-2-3
Wash your hands just like me!
Wash your hands 1-2-3
Wash your hands just like me!
When caring adults cuddle their child close during story time, change their voices for different characters, and follow their children's interests, children develop the joy of reading! Creating early positive experiences with book and stories are important motivators as children learn to read. Caring adults add joy and fun to their relationship with their child by engaging in silly interactions. Try the "stealing" body parts game: "I got your ear; I can hear you talking in my head." Continue with other body parts. Creating a ritual of silliness and delight are the secret to being in the moment with your child.
If you are curious about your child's growth and development, visit our website, refer your child to our home visiting program, or call Jacquie Gibbs for more information: 306-848-4722.