School Community Councils play an important role when it comes to bridging the ties between schools and families. SECPSD has a school community council in each of its schools that consists of elected and appointed members that have specific powers and duties. The Education Regulations, 2019 provides a common yet flexible framework for all members of the SCC's. The SCC's work with parents and the community to develop shared responsibility for the success and well-being of all children and youth and encourage all to engage in school planning and improvement process. The past, present, and future of the school is discussed at SCC meetings.
School Community Councils work with school staff to develop an annual School Level Plan that is aligned with the divisions strategic plan. Each school involves their SCC in a variety of ways, including in the development and refinement of many plans. SCC's also work with parents and the community to develop initiatives and activities that encourage the learning success and well-being of all children and youth.
Examples of initiatives and events that SCC's were involved in:
• Supported the One Book, One School Initiative
• Held a Snowbirds Presentation
• Held a Pink Day Concert
• Took a leadership role in greeting and guiding new parents/students during our Welcome to SECPSD events
• In support of FNMI Education the SCC booked and covered costs for the performance group Wide Open Spaces to present "Thunderbird Girl"
• Held Family Paint Night
• Planned and supported Bookworm Wednesdays
• Contributed to the school Facebook Page and School Newsletter
• Hosted Family Swim Night
• Assisted with IMPACT (for 3 year old's) in our community
• Helped organize and attend meet the teacher night
• Sold tickets at annual dance
• SCC Members raised funds to supplement the Two books; One School event
• Distributed pamphlets and information regarding education to local community newsletter and businesses
• Supported hot lunches and hot dog days
• Contributed to Reading A to Z
• Created and reviewed Safe School Charter
• Hosted numeracy night
• Involved in SIP
• Held Activity Nights
• Supported the purchase of literature recourse for Mind-Up Curriculum
• Participated in Open House
• Joined admin in Our School Survey and provided feedback on the initiatives of the school addressing the following: student engagement/participation, student mental health and wellness, bullying
• Provided feedback and support on the GSA initiatives
• Discussion of philosophy of our student led conferences and communicated support of this initiative to our community
• Supported math night
• Supported family literacy day
• Organized Kid Conventions (a day of enrichment)
• Organized a rocks and rings tournament
• Provided support to Grade 1-4 literacy night
• Held a Back to School BBQ
• Hosted a community Christmas Supper
• Raised funds for teacher literacy purchases
Any parent or guardian of a student who attends the school or any community member who is an elector and lives within the attendance area for that school is eligible to run for an elected position on the SCC. It is strongly encouraged for anyone who is interested in their child's school and would like to become involved to reach out to their school administration to find out more information about becoming an elected SCC member.