The Netflix series “Squid Games” is trending among youth. Though it’s rated MA, it’s represented on platforms popular with kids and teens, like Roblox, YouTube Kids and TikTok. It’s aesthetic is colourful and bright, appealing to children. The show includes scenes with suicide, exploitation, violence and substance abuse, which can be disturbing to young people.
SECPSD encourages all families to carefully monitor the content their children and teens access on social media and streaming platforms. We encourage caregivers to speak with their children about program ratings, take advantage of parental control options and explain the potential risks of unintentional exposure to disturbing content. Open communication about shows like “Squid Games” can support children and youth to know what to do when they encounter disturbing in the future.
For more information, check out this article from CBC kids and refer to the attached checklist on disturbing content from Reach Out Australia.