Student Services and Learning Supports
South East Cornerstone Public School Division strives to include all students within the school community while respecting their unique gifts and abilities so they may realize their full potential.
The Students Services and Learning Support Team consists of a wide range of professionals dedicated to addressing the needs of students within SECPSD. It is a committed team of Student Services Consultants, English as an Additional Language Consultant (EAL), Student Service Counselors, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Learning Support Teachers, Response to Intervention Coaches, Speech and Language and Educational Assistants. These individuals are available in each of the three service areas to assist school staff in supporting students with tiered interventions.
Student Services Coordinator
Is responsible for:- the coordination of the Response to Intervention Model (Tier 2)
- Response to Intervention Coaches (RtI)
- English as Additional Language
- Inter-professional Collaborative Team
- Speech and Language Pathologists, Student Services Counselors, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists
- Universal Screening - AIMSweb
- Professional Development for RtI Coaches
- Review 360 – PBIS
Learning Support Coordinator
Is responsible for:- The coordination of the Response to Intervention Model (Tier 3 and intensive needs)
- Learning Support Teachers (LST)
- Intensive Need Students and Inclusionary Practices
- Student Service Consultants
- Educational Assistants
- Professional Development for LST/Inclusionary Interventions
- Universal Screening – AIMsweb
- QBS team – Quality Behaviour Safety Care
- Assistive Technology
- Alternate Education and Functionally Integrated (10-12)
Instructional Coaches - Diverse Learning
Collaborates with administrators, classroom teachers, RtI Coaches and LSTs to support:- classroom based strategies and interventions for Tier 2 and 3 students including intensive need students
- functional behaviour assessments and Behaviour plans
- self-regulations strategies and interventions
- classroom observations and planning
- Best practices through modelling - I do, We do, You do
- Inclusionary practices
- recommendations from outside agencies and other support people
- inter-professional collaboration with SLPs, OTs, Ed Psychs and counsellors
- Collaborate with other consultants
Directly supports RtI coaches and LSTs in their work with students and classroom teachers
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Consultant
Collaborates with classroom teachers, RTI Coaches, LSTs, and administrators to support:- classroom based strategies and interventions for English as an additional language (EAL) students
- lesson planning and delivery to include EAL differentiation/support
- best practices through modeling
- cultural awareness for both staff and students
- EAL proficiency assessments
- access to translation services
- resources to improve English skills and EAL instruction
- provides information regarding other language and settlement services
Please visit our SECPSD EAL site for additional information about our EAL program.
Name |
Schools |
Liz Rowley | All SECPSD Schools |
Speech & Language Pathology (SLP)
The Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) provides diagnostic and programming services for children and youth with communication and language disorders. SLP's consult and collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents and other personnel or agencies to support student success in learning.Support students and classroom teachers through:
- Phonological Awareness/Literacy
- Kindergarten Phonological Screens
- Weekly Phonological Awareness Lessons in Pre-K, K and Gr.1
- Language
- Expressive, receptive, written, auditory, grammar, vocabulary, pragmatics
- Articulation
- Augmentative/Alternative Communication
- Response to Intervention
- Tier 1, 2 and 3
- Collaboration
- Inter-professional meetings, SST meetings, parent meetings, in-services, supervision of SLAs
- Screening and Assessments
- Self-regulation – sensory modulation and integration
Occupational Therapists (OT)
Support students and classroom teachers through:- Participation as an active member of the Inter-professional team
- Facilitation and/or participation in school based team meetings and/or SST meetings when applicable
- Observation and assessment of students within the educational setting to evaluate strengths, needs and areas for intervention at tier 1, 2 and 3
- Provision of recommendations based on assessments
- Sensory integration, self-regulation, fine and gross motor skills, mobility including lifts and transfers, assistive technology, specialized equipment
- Professional development
Educational Psychologists
Support students and classroom teachers through:- Participation as an active member of the Inter-professional team
- Gathering and interpreting data that will assist in providing an understanding of a student’s cognitive and academic abilities, processing strengths and weaknesses
- Consultation, using collaborative methods with the school team in developing targeted, focused, practical intervention strategies to meet the identified cognitive and academic needs of the student at tier 1, 2 and 3
Student Services Counsellors
Support students and classroom teachers through:- Participation as an active member of the Inter-professional team and SSTs
- Review 360
- Leads behavior planning and interventions, PBIS, behavior universal screening
- Counselling
- Individual – referred by staff, other agencies, parent or self referral
- Classroom – Play is the Way, Zones of Regulation, Presentations
- Group – on topic of need
- Working with parents on parenting strategies and increase their support network
- Working as part of a team to address threat risk assessments, suicide interventions, response to traumatic events in the school.